Treatment options available for COVID-19


As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread around the world. The viral infection infected millions of people around the world. Doctors, scientists, and governments are collaborating around the world to look for methods to tackle the pandemic.

The Covid-19 belongs to the Coronavirus family that causes illness such as the common cold, SARS, and MERS. The newest strain of Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China. In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Covid-19 a pandemic.

Covid-19 s extremely infectious and spreads by the respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes or talks. The virus can survive on surfaces and can spread if a person touches his mouth, nose, or eyes after touching a contaminated surface.

Symptoms of Covid-19 are more severe in older adults or those with underlying health conditions. Common symptoms of Covid-19 are:-

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Fatigue

Other symptoms of Covid-19 may include:-

  • Body ache
  • Loss of smell and taste
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting

If you have had contact with a Covid-19 patient or have had a recent travel history, book a doctor in Pune immediately.

Most people with Covid-19 will recover at home. No specific treatment for the virus exists as of now and the best doctor in Pune will try to prescribe medication to alleviate your symptoms. Rest, keeping yourself hydrated, and a supplementary source of oxygen may be required sometimes. 

Currently, there are no antiviral medications to treat Covid-19. Drugs developed to treat other viral infections are being tested to see if they work against Covid-19. Some options being explored.

  • Remdesivir was first developed to treat Ebola. Researchers found that using Remdesivir was effective in fighting the Covid-19. Clinical trial in China has been successful. FDA has approved clinical studies to be carried out in the USA. ICMR may use the drug if local drug companies get approval to manufacture it.
  • Chloroquine is traditionally used to fight malaria and autoimmune diseases like Lupus. Doctors in several countries including India have used Chloroquine effective against severe symptoms of Covid-19. The ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) has been used to treat asymptomatic medical staff treating COVID-19 or asymptomatic households with confirmed cases. Doctors caution patients about using the medication without doctor’s supervision due to the risk of heart rhythm problems.
  • Lopinavir and ritonavir are used to treat HIV. The medicine is sold under the brand name Kaletra. The WHO indicates that Kaletra has benefits when used in combination with other drugs that have been found to be effective in treating COVID-19.
  • Flavipir is a Japanese antiviral drug used to treat influenza in Japan. India is starting clinical trials to treat COVID-19. Flavipir is still not part of WHO solidarity trials.
  • Plasma therapy has shown tremendous promise in treating Covid-19 patients with severe symptoms. When a person has recovered from Covid-19 their blood contains antibodies used to fight the viral infection. We find these antibodies in plasma (a component of the blood). Patients who have recovered can donate their plasma via transfusion. The donor antibodies can help patients fight the disease faster. Plasma therapy has been approved by the ICMR and is being used in several states.

Research is underway to produce a vaccine to treat Covid-19. The Serum Institute in Pune is collaborating with Oxford to produce the vaccine.

Abnormal Pap Smear Results? Here’s What To Do Next

Pap test or Pap smear is an examination carried out to determine if a woman has cervical cancer. The test looks for the presence of cancerous and precancerous cells on your cervix. Your cervix is an opening of your uterus. 

Detecting cancerous cells early with a Pap test gives you a greater chance to fight the disease successfully. A Pap test can detect changes in your cervical cells that can increase the likelihood of developing cervical cancer. Detecting these abnormal cells early is vital in stopping the possibility of cervical cancer.

Women between the ages of 21 to 29 should have a pap test every three years. Women between 30 to 65 should have them combined with an HPV test (Human papillomavirus test) every five years. Women with certain medical conditions with a history of cervical cancer, HIV/AIDS, or those who have a weakened immune system will need more frequent tests. 

Why is the Pap test done?

We carry the Pap test out for the following purposes:-

  • Screen and diagnose precancerous cells present in your cervix.
  • Screen and diagnose precancerous cells present in your vagina
  • Diagnose infection or inflammation in the lower reproductive system.
  • Follow-up tests or monitoring tests after precancerous cells have been found during previous Pap tests.
  • Determine if the abnormal cells or cancer cells have returned after treatment.

During your Pap test, the best gynecologist in Pune will take samples from your vagina with the help of a spatula to scrape samples from the vagina. They place the collected samples in a special liquid. The sample sent to a laboratory for analysis. Tests results are available after a week or two of your Pap test. 

What the results of a Pap test mean?

Pap tests are classified into abnormal results or normal results. Normal results are also called negative results. It means that no abnormal cells were found and you are cancer-free. 

Abnormal pap test results do not always indicate cancer or precancerous cells. Abnormal cells can become normal on their own or can be cancerous if left untreated. Abnormal cells can be classified into:-

  • Squamous cell collected from the surface of the cervix or vagina
  • Glandular cells collected from inside your cervical canal. 

What causes changes?

Abnormal pap test is usually caused by certain types of HPV. HPV is a virus that causes cervical cancer. HPV is sexually transmitted infected. Usually, the HPV goes away on its own. But cells infected with the HPV virus can become precancerous. Changes in cervical cells can also be caused by:-

  • Viral, bacterial or yeast infection
  • Swelling or tenderness
  • Noncancerous growths such as polyps or cysts. 

What happens if your pap test results are abnormal?

If your Pap test results are abnormal the best gynecologist in Pune may recommend a colposcopy. The procedure is similar to the Pap test. During the procedure, your gynecologist will use a magnifying lens to look for abnormal cells. Acetic acid will be used during the procedure will turn abnormal cells white. Once the abnormal cells are found your gynecologist will perform a biopsy where small tissue is taken for further testing.

Treatment options after abnormal pap test results?

After colposcopy, the gynecologist near me will explain the results of your tissue sample. The changes can be low grade, your gynecologist may adopt a wait and watch approach. For moderate to high-grade changes, the doctor may evaluate more options that may include removing cervical tissues.